速報APP / 財經 / Zenith Scan To Pay

Zenith Scan To Pay



檔案大小:63.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Zenith Scan To Pay(圖1)-速報App

Shop without cash or your card. Payments can be made anywhere, anytime whenever the mVisa or masterpass logos are displayed.

Unique Features

· Touch-ID Sign-in

· Face-ID Sign-in

· Self Service options


· Account Number registration

· Debit card registration.

Zenith Scan To Pay(圖2)-速報App


· Make payments by scanning a merchant QR code or entering Merchant ID

· Receive payments by generating and sharing the QR code

Who Is The Scan To Pay App For?

The Scan to pay app is designed for all bank’s customers.

How Do I Get Started?

Simply download the Zenith Scan To Pay mobile app from the app store and register as a customer. You will be required to create a 4- digit pin which will be used to complete your transactions.

Can I Add Another Account Phone Number?

Zenith Scan To Pay(圖3)-速報App

Yes. You can add another account number by going to Settings >> View/Edit Profile >> Add Account

Which Account Number Will Be Debited?

The account number selected before you scan to pay.

How Will I Know If A Transaction Is Successful?

You will receive an email notification and an SMS notification on your registered phone number with the bank. The app will show an on-screen notification.

Is There A Transaction Limit?

Yes. The limit is N500, 000 per transaction

How Will Dispute(s) Be Resolved On This Platform?

Zenith Scan To Pay(圖4)-速報App

Kindly contact ZenithDirect, our 24hr interactive contact center on +234-1-2927000, +234-1-292-7000, zenithdirect@zenithbank.com

Zenith Scan To Pay(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad